School: General Information and Academic Administration
University of Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

·       School Profile

Ki Hadjar Dewantara (Father of National Education) founded Tamansiswa College on July 3, 1922. Tamansiswa as the Cultural Struggle and Community Development Agency used education in a broad sense. Initially the education held by Tamansiswa College was Indria Park (TK), next Taman Muda (SD), Adult Park (SMP), Taman Guru (SPG), Taman Karya (SMK), and Taman Madya (SMA). Thirty-three years later, precisely on November 15, 1955 Ki Hadjar Dewantara established the PraSarjana Park which is a B One Course institution. The condition of this faculty by Ki Hajar Dewantara as General Leader was named Taman PraSarjana which held three parts (majors):
     1) Section Language (Javanese and Indonesian Language)
     2) Social Section (Earth Sciences and Historical Sciences)
     3) Certain Natural Parts (Definite Natural Sciences)
Ki Hadjar Dewantara (Father of National Education) founded Tamansiswa on July 3, 1922. Tamansiswa as an organization of Cultural and Development Agency for Community used education in its broadest sense. At the beginning, education which was held by Tamansiswa was "Taman Indria" (TK), followed by "Taman Muda" (SD), "Taman Dewasa" (SMP), "Taman Guru" (SPG), "Taman Karya" ( SMK), and "Taman Madya" (SMA). Thirty-three years later, on November 15, 1955, Park Ki Hajar Dewantara, which was later known as "Taman PraSarjana" which provided three majors:
      1) Languages ​​(Javanese and Indonesian)
      2) The Social (Earth Science Science and History)
      3) Science (Natural Sciences)
A few years later, in 1959, the form of the institution was changed to Taman Sarjana with one faculty - the merging of existing study programs - into the Park of Bachelor of Literature and Philosophy.
A few years later, in 1959, the institution was changed to "Taman Sarjana" with one faculty-merging majors which existed in the first place-into the "Park of Bachelor of Literature and Philosophy"
After the foundation management held a meeting several times, on 28 December 1959 the signing of the Sarjanawiyata Foundation establishment deed was signed in front of notary RM Wiranto in Yogyakarta. Among the founders of the foundation were Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX and Nyi Hadjar Dewantara. For the first time the foundation was chaired by Ki Sarino Mangunpranoto. The first activity carried out was to prepare for the establishment of the Faculty of Education / Teacher Training which began at the beginning of the lecture in October 1960. Before that there was a "Public Lecture" on education and philosophy at the Pendan Agung Tamansiswa. On the 41st anniversary of Tamansiswa, 3 July 1963, it was renamed the Taman Sarjana and Department of Education, namely:
     »Department of Education
     » Department of Natural Sciences
     »Department of History
     » Department of Earth Sciences
     »Department of Indonesian Language
     » Department of Javanese Language
     »Department of English
After the Board of Trustees held a meeting for several times, then, on December 28, 1959, there was a signing of the Foundation before a notary foundation Sarjanawiyata, RM Wiranto, in Yogyakarta. Among the founders of the foundation were there: Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX and Nyi Hajar Dewantara. The first foundation chaired by Ki Sarino Mangunpranoto. The first activity was carried out by the Faculty of Education / Teacher Training which was started at the beginning of the college in October 1960. There was a "Public Lecture" about education and philosophy at the Great Hall Tamansiswa. On the 41 st anniversary of Tamansiswa, July 3, 1963, the institution changed its name into "Bachelor Parks and Education Programs" the which consisted of:

      »Department of Education
      »Faculty of Natural Exact Sciences
      »Department of History
      »Department of Earth Sciences
      »Department of Indonesian
      »Department of Java Languages
      »English Department
Then on October 1, 1964, the name was changed to Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa with the Chancellor Nyi Hajar Dewantara managing four Bachelor Parks, namely:
     1. Education
     2. Bachelor of Geography
     3. Law and Economics
     4. Literature and Culture (Indonesian, English and History)
Then on October 1, 1964, the institution's name was changed into "Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa", with Nyi Hajar Dewantara as the rector, which is managed four Bachelor programs, namely:
      1. Science Education
      2. Bachelor of Geography
      3 Law and Economics
      4 Literature and Culture (Indonesian, English and History)

In 1980, Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa managed the Education Diploma Program in Indonesian Language and Literature Education, which was later expanded to include English, Mathematics, Service Skills, Pancasila Moral Education. Then in 1983 it was formed in the form of a University by managing several faculties complete with its study program:

     1. Teaching and Education
     Faculty 2. Faculty of Economics
     3. Faculty of Agriculture
     4. Faculty of Psychology
     5. Faculty of Engineering
In 1980, Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa managing the Diploma of Education in Indonesian Language and Literature, which was later expanded to English Language, Mathematics, Vocational Services, Pancasila and Moral Education. Furthermore, in 1983 the University merged multiple faculty into:
1. Faculty of Teaching and Education
2. Faculty of Economics
3. Faculty of Agriculture
4. Faculty of Psychology
5. Faculty of Engineering
In 1983 Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa changed his name to SARJANAWIYATA UNIVERSITY TAMAN-SISWA (UST)
In 1983, Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa changed its name to the UNIVERSITY OF SARJANAWIYATA TAMANSISWA (UST).

Excellent in glorifying and educating the life of the nation.

"Leading in Excelling in the glory and the intellectual life of the nation."

Organizing a national higher education in the form of a university that carries out the process of learning, research, community service, and noble culture (Caturdharma).

"Organizing higher education in the form of national university implementing the learning process, research, community service, and noble civilizing (Caturdharma)."

To realize an academic, professional, and / or professional person with an independent, noble culture, serving the nation, humanity, and not awkward at the international level. Until now UST manages a complete Bachelor Program (S1) and its study program, and manages the Postgraduate Program (S2).

To academic students, professionals, and / or independent-minded professions, noble cultured, serve the nation, humanity, and cooperative at international level.


 1. The Teaching and Education Faculty / Faculty of Teaching and Education.
English Language Education / English Language Education Program
Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program / Language Study Program of Indonesian and literature
Arts / Arts Education Program Education Study Program
Mathematics Education Study Program / Mathematics Education Program
Physics Education / Physics Education Program Study Program
Science / Science Education Program
Mechanical Engineering Education Program Study Program in Mechanical Engineering
Family Welfare Education Program / Family Welfare Education Program
PGSD Study Program / Elementary School Teacher Eduction Program

2. Faculty of Economics / Faculty of Economics
Management / Management Studies Program
Accounting / Accounting  Study Program

3. Faculty of Agriculture / Agriculture
Agribusiness / Agribusiness Studies Program
Agrotechnology Study Program / A Groteachnology Studies

4. Faculty of Psychology / Faculty of Psychology
Program Psychology / Psychology studies

5. Faculty of Engineering / Faculty of Engineering
Industrial Engineering Program / Industrial Engineering Program
Civil Engineering Program / Civil Engineering Program


 1. Postgraduate School of Economics and Business Postgraduate Program in Economics and Business
Master of Management Study Program / Master of Management

2.  Postgraduate School of Education  Postgraduate Program
Educational Management Study Program / Master of Educational Management
PEP / Master of Evaluation and Assesement  Master Study Program
PBI / M Masters Study Program aster of English Language Education Program

Campus I  / Campus 1 (Main Campus)
(Rector, Information & service center, Postgraduate Education, Faculty of Psychology, and Faculty of Engineering)
Address: Jl. Kusumanegara 157 Yogyakarta, Tel. (0274) 562265, 510062, 551584, 544453, 564369, 586949 - Fax. 547042

Campus II  / Campus II
(Postgraduate Economics, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Agriculture)
Address: Jl. Kusumanegara 121 Yogyakarta, Tel. (0274) 374997, 542224, 582472, 557455

Campus III   Campus III
(FKIP, LP2M, Central Library)
Address: Jl. Batikan, Tuntungan, Yogyakarta, Tel. (0274) 375637, 374997

Jl. Kusumanegara 157 Yogyakarta 55165 Tel: +62 (274) 562265 Fax: +62 (274) 547042 E-mail:

 Academic Portal
 Academic Calendar
 E-Journal & E-Book
 Kopertis Region V
 Forlap Dikti
 Saitama University
 Nong Lam University
 Charles Darwin University
 University of Sanya
 University of Saint Anthony Philippines
 Kien Giang Vocational College Vietnam
 Nitte University
 Seameo Seamolec
 National Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia
 University of Malaya
 Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

FAQ Campus Map Contact

·       Facilities

Nyi Hadjar Dewantara Convention Room
Nyi Hajar Dewantara Convention Room was initiated on January 9, 2012. It is a building facilitating variety of activities such as public lectures, national seminars, and other activities. Nyi Hajar Dewantara Convention Room is well designed and equipped with LCD or slide projector, with capacity for 100 people.

University Buildings
1. Kampus Pusat (Main Campus)

Jalan Kusumanegara 157 Yogyakarta Telp. (0274) 562265, 547042, 510062
2. Kampus I (Campus I)

Jalan Kusumanegara 121 Yogyakarta Telp. (0274) 542224, 544453
3. Kampus II (Campus II)

Tuntungan Tahunan UH. 3/ 1043 Telp. (0274) 375637

4. Kampus III (Campus III)

Jalan Batikan 2 Yogyakarta Telp. (0274) 387841

5. Kampus Pascasarjana (Postgraduate Campus


Unit 1: Scool: General Information and Academic Administration
SDK Sang Timur School

·       School Profile
SDK Sang Timur Yogyakarta is a Catholic school founded by the Congregation of Sang Timur in 1970. The school runs in togetherness, where all forms of children's self-potential are explored and built to become noble and accomplished individuals.

Superior in faith, achievement, smart, skilled, cultured and noble personality, love the motherland and environment in brotherly love.

Bringing the child into a person of faith and fear of God Almighty. Increase the spirit of independent learning to spur competitiveness in the era of globalization in the academic and non-academic fields.
Carry out an active, innovative, creative, effective and fun learning process. Carry out special learning assistance for grade VI students who experience learning difficulties in certain subject areas. Creating a comfortable school atmosphere for learning. Instill values ​​of love (brotherhood, kinship, joy and simplicity). Develop students to be caring and environmentally cultured people and responsible for their rescue efforts. Carry out 9 K (Security, Cleanliness, Orderliness, Beauty, Family, Desire, Health, Openness, and Exemplary). Instilling the values ​​of the nation's character with a pillar on Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, Bhineka Tunggal Ika, and NKRI.

The realization of a school that excels in faith and love, won a national examination with an average score in, won in the PKSB competition, excelled in
MIPA Olympiad, excels in the field of Sports, excels in Healthy School competitions, has a noble personality in words and actions in everyday life, and excels in habituating to environmental love.


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