

School: General Information and Academic Administration University of Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa ·        School Profile Ki Hadjar Dewantara (Father of National Education) founded Tamansiswa College on July 3, 1922. Tamansiswa as the Cultural Struggle and Community Development Agency used education in a broad sense. Initially the education held by Tamansiswa College was Indria Park (TK), next Taman Muda (SD), Adult Park (SMP), Taman Guru (SPG), Taman Karya (SMK), and Taman Madya (SMA). Thirty-three years later, precisely on November 15, 1955 Ki Hadjar Dewantara established the PraSarjana Park which is a B One Course institution. The condition of this faculty by Ki Hajar Dewantara as General Leader was named Taman PraSarjana which held three parts (majors):      1) Section Language (Javanese and Indonesian Language)      2) Social Section (Earth Sciences and Historical Sciences)    ...

Finally! It's Time to Go Home! :)

“I learned so much!” The countless things I learn during an internship abroad can be overwhelming. As an intern abroad I soaked up details about a new culture, a new city and also your profession. Since the internships last for a month, I have a more nuanced understanding of the culture and city than mere travelers. I will come back home wiser and with a new way of seeing the world. Thank you so much UST  and SDK Family! I will be forever grateful for this once in a lifetime experiences! :) I learned so much from all of you! 

Summary and Suggestions

·        Purposes of Practicum ·        Procedure of Practicum ·        Outcome of Practicum Teaching practice is an integral component of teacher training. It grants student teachers experience in the actual teaching and learning environment. Teaching practice is an important component of becoming a teacher. It grants student teachers experience in the actual teaching and learning environment (Ngidi & Sibaya, 2003:18; Marais & Meier, 2004:220; Perry, 2004:2). Undergoing this practicum aim to establish the ways in which the experiences influence the student teachers’ perception of the teaching profession. Despite the positive experiences during teaching practice, student teachers experienced challenges and encounter many problems which will affect their perception of the teaching profession. Based on...

Celebrating Independence Day!!!

Indonesia proclaimed her Independence on  August  17th  1945 , This year Indonesia celebrates its 73rd year of the Proclamation of Independence, Every year this historic event is celebrated with numerous exciting events throughout the nation that are aimed at enhancing Unity in Diversity.  August 17, 2018 - Friday 7 in the morning we went to the Tamansiswa to celebrate the Independence Day of Indonesia together with the Rector, University staffs and some students from the University. 

Practice Teaching!!!

Practice Teaching                         Each teacher runs his or her classroom differently, so it is important to decide on the procedures you need to run your classroom smoothly and then teach students the procedures of your classroom. Regardless of the age of the students, simply posting the expectations or procedures on the wall is not enough: procedures must be taught, practiced, and reinforced throughout the school year. Of course, choosing the right rules and procedures for your classroom is an individual decision. But be sure to define what you expect of students from the very beginning. Remember to take time to teach procedures during the first days and weeks of school. For me as a student teacher, it is important to practice your teaching as good and as early as possible. So I have my own ways on how I am going to manage my teaching. Here are my r...