School: General Information and Academic Administration University of Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa · School Profile Ki Hadjar Dewantara (Father of National Education) founded Tamansiswa College on July 3, 1922. Tamansiswa as the Cultural Struggle and Community Development Agency used education in a broad sense. Initially the education held by Tamansiswa College was Indria Park (TK), next Taman Muda (SD), Adult Park (SMP), Taman Guru (SPG), Taman Karya (SMK), and Taman Madya (SMA). Thirty-three years later, precisely on November 15, 1955 Ki Hadjar Dewantara established the PraSarjana Park which is a B One Course institution. The condition of this faculty by Ki Hajar Dewantara as General Leader was named Taman PraSarjana which held three parts (majors): 1) Section Language (Javanese and Indonesian Language) 2) Social Section (Earth Sciences and Historical Sciences) ...